A warrior, stained to the flesh and core,
As the dead float calmly down the river.
This soldier with everything to deplore.
With only the weapon of words to roar,
Tarnished true sword cast down by this giver,
A warrior, stained to the flesh and core.
Not a rhyme to echo here by the shore,
As he howls and moans and weeps upriver.
This soldier with everything to deplore.
Stained pages of chaos and verse to abhor,
The tangibility of death, swift quiver.
A warrior, stained to the flesh and core.
Lips sowed and hands removed, words are no more,
To swear at the sole absent caregiver.
This soldier with everything to deplore.
Drowning in ink from an endless great war,
All has been done, all signed to deliver,
A warrior, stained to the flesh and core,
This soldier with everything to deplore.